Benefits of Vastushastra
It is proven that the layout, design, structure of the place you work and stay has a definite bearing on your mental and physical state. The positive or negative vibes flowing in these structures affect your peace of mind, your smooth functioning, eventually having a bearing on your health, general well being and also on your prosperity.
Each one of us has aspirations and would appreciate to climb the success ladder to reach new heights. Vastu Shastra plays an important role in paving the path of success, prosperity, better business prospects and a better lifestyle.
The positive energies and vibes which would flow into your home and work place would recharge your mind and body and you would be relatively at peace and you would be able to work efficiently and effectively which would translate into happiness, success and good health.
Vastu Krippa is gaining tremendous popularity due to its effectiveness and we have witnessed positive growth and satisfaction with each of our clients.

Industrialists and Businessmen
Experience success, prosperity and growth
Improve sales revenue and profitability
Attain strong revenue growth and stability of finances
Foster better co-ordination with employees and management etc.
Minimize the machinery break-down
Achieve higher output (production)Upscale your business and profession
Stimulate faster movement of stocks and merchandise
Helps to gather more clientele and repute
Professionals – Doctors, Lawyers, C.A, Architects, Consultants etc.
Helps to gather more clientele and repute
Helps to dispense quality advice, suggestions and reports
Deliver world class advice and information
Create client satisfaction
Fosters faster recovery of dues
Achieve financial stability
Experience success, prosperity and growth

Experience more peace of mind
Improves co-ordination with family members
Opens up doors for success and prosperity
Helps to improve health and well being
Vitalize the fund flow and stabilize the finances
Helps in improving concentration on studies
Helps in timely marriage of children
Improves relationship of the married couple
Govt. Service and Private Jobs
Experience Job satisfaction
Vitalize the Resume and Job Profile
Fosters better team spirit and better co-ordination
Maintain peace of mind
Achieve stability of finances
Opens up doors for success and prosperity

Helps in improving concentration on studies
Achieve improved results and better academic mark-sheet
Empowers the student to be more focused on the higher goals for the future