Vastu Tips for Vault Tijori Cash Drawer

The Tijori (Vault Locker) / Cash Drawer should never open towards South or West direction because it could affect the flow of funds and create financial drains.
The Tijori (Vault Locker) / Cash Drawer should open towards the Uttar disha (North zone) i.e the direction of Lord Kuber Devtaji, so that Lord Kuber Devtaji aspects the Locker at all times. As a second best alternative the Tijori (Vault Locker) / Cash Drawer should open towards the Poorav disha (East zone).
Avoid grey, black and blue painted Tijori (Vault Locker). Paint the Tijori (Vault Locker) in yellow or off white shade (from inside and outside).
Do not keep shoes below the Tijori (Vault Locker) / Cash Drawer.
The Tijori (Vault Locker) / Cash Drawer should be never be kept empty. It is always advisable to keep some valuables and cash permanently in it.
Lord Kuber Devta ji is the Lord of Wealth and He is the presiding Lord of the Uttar disha (Northern direction). It is believed that when Lord Kuber Devta ji is pleased, He showers His blessings on the Devotee and this comes in the shape of growth in business, finances and wealth.
The Tijori (Vault Locker), Cash Drawer, Cupboard which contains Cash, Valuables and Important Documents should be installed at the Nairuti kona (South-West zone) Or in the South-East or North zone. Ensure that the Safe opens towards the North zone. For financial abundance, financial growth. Use the Fortune Journey Kit. Place the Kuber Devta ji Yantra & Kuber ji Kunji + Crystals + Shells in the safe / vault / tijori / cash drawer.
Ideally place Pyramid Ultima Pro on the Cash Counter, in the Cash Drawer, Tijori (Vault Locker) and on Important Files / Documents. Mystical benefits: Enhance your chances to gain further growth, progress and financial benefits.
To energize the property and minimize the negativity, Spray Holy Ganga Jal in the safe, tijori, vault, bedrooms, temple, main door and the entire property in a routine.
Avoid placing the tijori directly under a beam, as it is considered inauspicious in Vastu.
Ensure that there are no dusty or dark corners around the tijori. Adequate lighting in the area is essential.
Do not keep broken or damaged items, unwanted things, bounced cheques or stapler, pins inside the tijori, as it is believed to attract negative energy.
Keep the tijori clean and well-maintained. Clutter and dust can obstruct positive energy flow.
The color of the tijori can be in off white, cream, metallic gold, metallic silver, earthy tones like brown. Avoid Black, Grey & Blue colour inside & outside of the tijori / safe.
Do not keep shoes, alcohol or non-precious items below or near the tijori.