Vastu Tips for Dining and Living room

Living room should be in the Uttar disha (North) or Poorav disha (East zone) of the home. Do not create a living room in the Nairuti kona (South-West zone) of the home.
The head of the family and other family members should sit facing the Uttar disha (North) or Poorav disha (East) during discussions. The guests and visitors should face Dakshin disha (South).
Place the sofa or chairs against a solid wall to provide support.
Display aesthetically pleasing and positive decorative items. Do not install paintings or pictures or statues depicting singular woman, wild animals, sadness, deserts, statue of elephant with downward trunk, dry flower arrangements etc. Install good pictures and posters which display happiness, bloom, liveliness etc.
Keep the Poorav disha (East zone) and Uttar disha (North zone) windows open for maximum time so that abundant Cosmic Energy flows into your room.
If there are no windows on the East side then, Install the Soorya Devtaji Mural on the Poorav disha (East side) wall (install at about 6 feet height).
The mirrors should be installed on the Uttar disha (North zone) or Poorav disha (East zone).
Keep a Brass Kamdhenu Cow Statue at the East-South-East or South-East zone of the property to minimize the problems being faced.
Avoid sitting or sleeping below overhead beams and in front of sharp cornered walls or sharp cornered furniture. Fix Bent Copper Cosmic Symbols on the beam edge (at every 3 feet distance) on both sides of the beam. Fix it with a strong adhesive.
Place heavy furniture and cupboards in the Nairuti kona (South-West zone) of the living room.

In case any room / bedroom has a missing corner / cut corner, then install / fix our Power Grid Stick on the missing cornered wall at (i) skirting level or (ii) at curtain height (around 7 or 8 feet). Fix it with the 2 hooks / clamps provided along with the product:
Copper Power Grid Stick on the South-South-East, South-East, South missing corner zone.
Aluminum Power Grid Stick on the North, North-East, North-North-East and North-North-West missing corner zone.
Brass Power Grid Stick on the South-West, West-South-West, South-South-West missing corner zone.
Stainless Steel Power Grid Stick on the East, East-North-East, East-South-East missing corner zone.
Brahmasthaan (Center)
In order to further energize the property we suggest to place the Brahma Sthaan Plus above the false ceiling or fix it under the flooring.